Sanwa MX 6 + RX-391W Radio Set

SKU 20101054
  109,90 €
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Descrizione / Sanwa MX 6 + RX-391W Radio Set

SANWA New Transmitter "MX-6" for Entry Class!!

MX-6 upgrades to New Communication System "FH-E."

FH-E is better communication system than old system FHSS-2.

Also, MX-6 is 290 grams without battery. It is 40 grams lighter than old model MX-V.  The lighter weight give easier holding for racers.


• Model Naming

• Anti-Lock (ABS) Braking

• Exponential

• End Point Adjustment

• Servo Reversing

• Steering Dual Rate

• Servo Sub-Trim

• Battery Voltage Monitor

• 10 Model Memory

• 4 Cell Dry Cell Batter

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