MonacoRC T-Shirt Blue Color of



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Descrizione / MonacoRC T-Shirt Blue Color of

New Blue of MonacoRC T-Shirt

The new MonacoRC t-shirts from the "Colors of MonacoRC" line

Made of top quality cotton, this new line plays with the iconic red and blue MonacRC Logo colors.

For the first time, a version of the MonacoRC “Compact Logo” is used in embroidery on the T-shirts front, and printed across the shoulders on the back.

In addition to the internal label, there is an extra label on the lower front profile of the t-shirt.

As with the other MonacoRC clothing items, the “Colors of MonacoRC” T-shirts are designed for use even outside the competition fields.

Race with MonacoRC Colors as well

For those who preorder a new kit, the t-shirt is free.

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