MonacoRC Medium Bag Red V2.1


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Descrizione / MonacoRC Medium Bag Red V2.1

MonacoRC has revolutionized the transportation of materials in the RC world with its exclusive line of bags. The new MonacoRC Bag Medium V2.1 stands out for its attention to detail: the interior is adorned with an elegant tone-on-tone red MonacoRC logo print, enhancing the quality of the finish. In addition to the practical tone-on-tone red mesh inner pocket (for the Black and Red version), the exterior is enriched with a MonacoRC label, maintaining the elegant simplicity that has made the bag so popular.

The series is available in three sizes, easily distinguishable by the color of the zippers:

MonacoRC Bag Medium Red (22.5cm x 18cm x 9Cm) - Red Zipper: With its generous height, this bag can carry larger items compared to the other two models, such as scales, motors, or a charger with cables.

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