Manzo46 Height Adjustement o-ring 1.2mm (10)

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SKU M46-004
Qty in stock 10
  4,60 €
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Description / Manzo46 Height Adjustement o-ring 1.2mm (10)


We made specific o rings for a perfect and easy body height adjustment. With the following measurements:1.0mm, 1.2mm, 1.5mm, 1.75mm.

We offer them in a bundle and also separate. 40pcs bundle: 1.0mm (10pcs),1.2mm (10pcs), 1.5mm (10pcs), 1.75mm (10pcs)

Single packages:

  • 1.0mm (10pcs)
  • 1.2mm (10pcs)
  • 1.5mm (10pcs)
  • 1.75mm (10pcs)

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